Friday, November 21, 2014

Stage Poem

Stage 1

The beautiful smell of the sea, drifting by my, nose,
The wind carries it wherever it shall go.
The smooth ride is relaxing and peaceful,
My only wish is that there will be a sequel!
There's nothing I'd rather do,
Than spend my time with you,
Oh dearest sailboat,
I think I am in love with you!

Stage 2

The salt of the sea, drifting by my, nose,
The wind carries it wherever it shall go.
The ride is relaxing and peaceful,
My only wish is that there will be a sequel!
There's nothing I'd rather do,
Than spend my time with you,
Oh dearest sailboat,
I think I am in love with you!

Stage 3

The Nautical Skipper
The salt of the sea, drifting by my, nose,
The wind carries it wherever it shall go.
The ride is relaxing and peaceful,
My only wish is that there will be a sequel!
There's nothing I'd rather do,
Than spend my time with you,
Oh dearest sailboat,
I think I'm in love with you!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Reverse Haiku

Fernando Torres is mud
He should not be pro
He misses the net often

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Hot Summer Day (Triolet)

 Hot Summer Day 

Sun scorching, hot summer day
Waves crash against the sand
The children love to go out and play

Sun scorching, hot summer day
Hydrating refreshments I must pay
Huge fish I hold in my hand
Sun scorching, hot summer day
Waves crash against the sand

-Nick Reynolds